Chenjera shuga!

Mashuga echisikigo iboka guru rezvinhu zvinodiwa mukudya kwevanhu. Mukusavapo kweshuga mukudya, hypoglycemia inoitika mushure memavhiki e2-2,5. Asi pakati pemashuga ose (aya anonyanya kushuga fructose uye glucose), kushandiswa kwe sucrose hakugamuchirwi. Sucrose (shuga yakagadzirwa nemaoko) inoshanda immunosuppressant. Kana ikapiwa imbwa ine utano, kunyange mudiki shoma mushure memaawa 2-3, inokonzera kupera kwemaziso nenzeve. Munhu anonyanya kuramba kutora sucrose, uye mhedzisiro yacho inononoka. (Izvi hazvina kucherechedzwa nokugoverwa kwedoro nefodya.) Pana May 13, 1920, pamusangano wavanachiremba vemazino muManchester, sucrose yakatanga kutaurwa sechisakiso chikuru chehosha yemazino. Mushure meizvozvo, mimwe mhedzisiro yakaipa yakawanda yakabuda. 1. Inobatsira kuderedza kudzivirirwa (inoshanda immunosuppressant). 2. Inogona kukonzera mineral metabolism kusagadzikana. 3. Kukwanisa kutungamirira kune kutsamwa, kufara, kukanganisa kutarisa, vana vanoda. 4. Inoderedza kushanda kwema enzymes. 5. Inobatsira kuderedza kurwisana nehutachiona hwehutachiona. 6. Inogona kukonzera kukuvara kweitsvo. 7. Inoderedza huwandu hwepamusoro density lipoproteins. 8. Zvinotungamira mukushaikwa kweiyo trace element chromium. 9. Inobatsira pakuitika kwekenza yezamu, ovaries, matumbo, prostate, rectum. 10 Increases glucose and insulin levels. 11 Causes a deficiency of the trace element copper. 12 Violates the absorption of calcium and magnesium. 13 Impairs vision. 14 Increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin. 15 May cause hypoglycemia (low glucose levels). 16 Helps to increase the acidity of digested food. 17 May increase adrenaline levels in children. 18 Causes malabsorption of nutrients. 19 Accelerates the onset of age-related changes. 20 Contributes to the development of alcoholism. 21 Causes caries. 22 Promotes obesity. 23 Increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis. 24 Leads to exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. 25 May lead to arthritis. 26 It provokes attacks of bronchial asthma. 27 Promotes the occurrence of fungal diseases. 28 It can cause the formation of stones in the gallbladder. 29 Increases the risk of coronary heart disease. 30 Provokes exacerbation of chronic appendicitis. 31 Promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids. 32 Increases the likelihood of varicose veins. 33 May lead to an increase in glucose and insulin levels in women using hormonal birth control pills. 34 Contributes to the occurrence of periodontal disease. 35 Increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. 36 Increases acidity. 37 May impair insulin sensitivity. 38 Leads to decreased glucose tolerance. 39 May reduce growth hormone production. 40 Can increase cholesterol levels. 41 Promotes an increase in systolic pressure. 42 Causes drowsiness in children. 43 May cause multiple sclerosis. 44 Causes a headache. 45 Violates the absorption of proteins. 46 Causes food allergies. 47 Promotes the development of diabetes. 48 In pregnant women, it can cause toxicosis. 49 Causes eczema in children. 50 Predisposes to the development of cardiovascular diseases. 51 Can disrupt DNA structure. 52 Causes a violation of the structure of proteins. 53 By changing the structure of collagen, it contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles. 54 Predisposes to the development of cataracts. 55 May cause vascular damage. 56 Leads to the appearance of free radicals. 57 It provokes the development of atherosclerosis. 58 Contributes to the occurrence of emphysema. Upenyu hwemhuka dzinoyamwisa (uye vanhu) haugoni kuona sucrose, saka, pamberi pemvura, inotanga kuora mamorekuru ayo nema enzymes (natural catalysts) mushuga yechisikigo glucose uye fructose (isomers ine chimiro chakafanana cheC6H12O6, asi yakasiyana muchimiro. ): С12H22O11 + H20 (+ enzyme ) = C6H12O6 (glucose) + C6H12O6 (fructose). Panguva yekuora kwe sucrose, ndizvo chaizvo zvemahara radicals ("molecular ions") akaumbwa zvakanyanya, ayo anoshingairira kuvharira chiito chemasoja anodzivirira muviri kubva kuhutachiona. Uye muviri unenge usina dziviriro. Yakanga iri muma1950 chete iyo yakawanda yekugadzirwa kweshuga yakasimbiswa muUSSR, iyo yakaita kuti ive imwe yezvigadzirwa zvakachipa zvinowanikwa mukudya kwezuva nezuva kwevanhu vose, kusanganisira varombo. Mukurwiswa kwemukwikwidzi weindasitiri, kugadzirwa kwehuchi nemichero yakaomeswa inotapira munyika yakaderera zvakanyanya, mitengo yavo yakawedzera. Huchi uye michero inotapira yakaomeswa pamatafura evaRussia yakatendeuka kubva kune iyo huru yemazuva ese sosi yeshuga yechisikigo (fructose uye glucose) kuita "zvinwiwa zvisingawanzo uye zvinodhura" zvepampering. Sezvo kugadzirwa kwe sucrose kwakawedzera, hutano hwehuwandu (uye mamiriro emazino) hwakatanga kuipa nokukurumidza, huchiwedzera kuipa uye kuipa kune imwe neimwe chizvarwa che "shuga inotapira". Ndeupi hutano hunogona kutarisirwa muvanhu apo amai vavo vakadya sucrose pasina kudziviswa panguva yekuzvitakura uye lactation, uye ivo pachavo vanodyiswa sucrose kubva mugore rokutanga rehupenyu?! Kukanganisa kwakashata kwe sucrose pahutano kwave kuchizivikanwa kwenguva refu, saka, muUSSR pakutanga kwema1950s uye 60s, chirongwa chakatogadzirwa kusabvisa sucrose kubva mukudya kwevanhu veSoviet uye kuishandisa chete kuti iwedzere kugadzirisa. mufructose uye glucose, izvo zvaifanira kutengeswa muzvitoro. Nehurombo, chirongwa ichi, sevamwe vazhinji, chakangoitwa zvishoma - kupa chikafu chevakuru vebato reSoviet nemhuri dzavo. Ikozvino indasitiri yechikafu yakagadzira kugadzirwa kwakawanda kwefructose, iyo inotengeswa muzvitoro zvegirosari. Nhamba huru yezvakasiyana-siyana zvigadzirwa zvinogadzirwa pafructose - jamu, marmalades, makeke, makuki, chokoreti, zvihwitsi, nezvimwe. These products are necessarily provided with the inscription “Cooked on fructose.” Replace harmful sucrose in your sugar bowls with healthy and tasty fructose.

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