Kuvharira kweGmail: maitiro ekuchengetedza data kubva kune tsamba kuenda kune komputa
Even such giants as Google can be blocked in the Federation due to violations of the law. We explain how you can save data from Gmail after blocking

In today’s realities, events are developing very quickly. Until recently, it seemed that Meta retains a stable leadership position in the market, but now the company has become the object of blocking and litigation. In our material, we will tell you how to prepare for a possible ban on Google services. In particular, what to do with a possible shutdown of Gmail in Our Country.

Gmail inogona kuvharwa kana kuvharwa muNyika Yedu

Tichitevera muenzaniso weMeta, tinoona kuti zvachose chero sevhisi, kusanganisira tsamba kubva kuGoogle, inogona kuvharwa nekutyora mutemo. Panyaya yeMeta, mapuratifomu avo akavharwa mushure mekunge Facebook yabvumidza kushambadza nezvakarambidzwa muNyika Yedu. Ehe, Google haifarire budiriro yakadaro. Nemhaka yeizvi, pakukumbira kwaRoskomnadzor, kambani yakadzima zvachose kushambadzira kwose mumabasa ayo.

However, the advertising example is just one of many. For example, Google has the Google News news service and the Google Discover recommender system. On March 24, the first service was blocked in Our Country due to the publication of false information about the armed forces of the Federation. 

Kutyisidzira kwekuvhara masevhisi eGoogle evashandisi kubva kuNyika Yedu ndeyechokwadi. Maererano neWall Street Journal1, in May 2022, Google began to take its employees out of Our Country. This allegedly happened due to the fact that in Our Country they blocked the account of the representative office of Google, and the company could not pay for the work of its employees. The account was seized due to late payment of a turnover fine of 7,2 billion for posting prohibited content. Also, the “daughter” of Google has been asking to declare itself bankrupt since May 182.

In fact, now in Our Country it is impossible to make any financial transactions with Google. For example, order advertising or promotion on Youtube. At the same time, representatives of the American company say that the free functions of their services will continue to operate in the Federation.

The situation becomes more complicated due to the law on the landing of IT companies. From 2022, online services with a daily audience of more than 500 people are required to open their representative offices in Our Country. Sanctions for violation of this rule are different – from a ban on the sale of advertising to complete blocking. Theoretically, after the closure of the office, Google becomes illegal.

Because of these prerequisites, we recommend that Google users take our advice and prepare in advance for possible problems with accessing Gmail.

Nhanho nenhanho gwara rekuchengetedza data kubva kuGmail kune komputa

Ruzivo rwakawanda rwakakosha runogona kuchengetwa mubhokisi retsamba remagetsi - zvinyorwa zvebasa, mapikicha emunhu uye mamwe mafaira anobatsira. Kuvarasikirwa kwaizova kusuwisa zvikuru.

Neraki, Google yakatora nguva yakareba ichifunga nyaya yekuchengeta data rako, kusanganisira tsamba. Kuti uite izvi, zvingave zvine musoro kushandisa Google yega Takeout sevhisi.3.

Kuchengetedza data mune yakajairika mode

Ngatitarisei mamiriro aunoda kuchengetedza maemail ese kubva kune tsamba Gmail isati yavharwa muNyika Yedu. Muchiitiko ichi, zvinhu zvose zviri nyore uye iwe unongoda kumirira zvishoma kuti uchengetedze ruzivo.

  • Chekutanga, tinoenda kuGoogle Archiver webhusaiti (kana Google Takeout muChirungu) topinda uchishandisa zita redu rekushandisa nepassword kubva kuGoogle account yedu.
  • Mune "Gadzira Export" menyu, sarudza chinhu che "Mail" - chinenge chiri pakati perunyorwa rurefu rwesevhisi yekuchengetedza.
  • Zvadaro sarudza zvigadziriso zvekutumira kunze. Mu "Nzira yekuwana" tinosiya sarudzo "Nekubatanidza", mu "Frequency" - "Imwe-nguva kutumira kunze", rudzi rwefaira iZIP. Dzvanya bhatani reGadzira Export.
  • Mushure menguva yakati, email ine chinongedzo kune data rakachengetwa mu .mbox fomati ichatumirwa kuaccount yawakasiya application. 

Unogona kuvhura iyi faira kuburikidza nechero yemazuva ano email mutengi. Semuenzaniso, shareware (nguva yekuedzwa kwemazuva makumi matatu inopihwa) The Bat. Iwe unofanirwa kuisa purogiramu uye mune chikuru sarudza "Zvishandiso" chinhu, uye "Import mavara" uye tinya kubva "Kubva mubhokisi reunix". Mushure mekusarudza iyo .mbox faira, iyo synchronization process ichatanga. Kana kune mavara akawanda, zvinogona kutora nguva yakareba. 

Mirairo yekuunza kunze .mbox faira kune mamwe maemail mapurogiramu inogona kuwanikwa online.

Nzira yekuchengetedza ruzivo rwakakosha mberi

Mune manual mode

Kana iwe uchigamuchira akawanda akakosha maemail zuva rega rega, uye iwe ukawana ruzivo rwekuti Gmail iri pasi, saka zvine hungwaru kuchengetedza .mbox makopi emaemail kakawanda pasvondo. Izvo zvakare hazvizove zvakapusa kuchengetedza mafaera ese uye zvinyorwa kubva kune tsamba pakombuta yako.

Mune otomatiki modhi

Gmail ine otomatiki data archive chimiro. Nekudaro, iyo yakaderera otomatiki yekuchengetedza nguva izere mwedzi miviri. Iri basa rinogona kugoneswa mumenu yekugadzira kunze muGoogle Takeout - unofanirwa kusarudza "Regular kutumira kunze kwemwedzi miviri" chinhu. Mushure mezvirongwa zvakadaro, makopi akachengetwa ebhokisi retsamba achauya kune mail katanhatu pagore.

It is also possible to forward mail from Gmail to another address. It would be best to choose a box of providers mail.ru or yandex.ru.

Iwe unogona kuita izvi mune yako mail marongero.4 muKutumira uye POP/IMAP menyu. Sarudza "Wedzera kero yekutumira" uye isa data inodiwa. Mushure meizvozvo, iwe unozofanirwa kusimbisa chiito kubva kune iyo mail yawakatsanangura kuti utumire. Zvadaro, mune "Kutumira uye POP / IMAP" zvigadziriso, tarisa bhokisi riri padyo netsamba yakasimbiswa. Kubva zvino zvichienda mberi, maemail ese matsva achadzokororwa kukero yepositi yakachengeteka.

Mibvunzo nemhinduro dzakakurumbira

Iyo KP inopindura mibvunzo inowanzo bvunzwa kubva kuvaverengi chigadzirwa maneja weanopa mupi uye domain registrar REG.RU Anton Novikov.

Zvine ngozi zvakadii kuchengeta ruzivo rwakadzama muemail?

Izvo zvese zvinoenderana nekuchengetedzwa kwese kwese kuchengetedza perimeter (mail, mudziyo, Internet kuwana, nezvimwewo). Kana iwe ukatora matanho ekuchengetedza kune imwe neimwe yemapoinzi, saka haufanirwe kunetseka nezve data rako mutsamba.

Mitemo yakakosha yekuchengetedza ndeiyi:

1. Seta mapassword akasimba. Panofanira kuva neakaundi imwe neimwe.

2. Chengetedza mapassword mune yakakosha password maneja.

3. Seta iyo yakachengeteka yekupinda ficha yechigadzirwa (mbiri-factor authentication).

4. Iva wakasvinura, usatevera zvinonyumwira zvinongedzo mutsamba, masocial network, vatumwa pakarepo.

Ko data ichanyangarika kubva kuGmail kana yakavharwa muNyika Yedu?

Kana iwe ukachengeta data rakakosha mutsamba kana padhiraivha yakabatana neakaundi yako yetsamba, saka zvisinei netarisiro yekudimburwa, unofanirwa kuita makopi ekuchengetedza. Kana usati wamboita izvi kare, itamba zvakachengeteka uye chengetedza zviri mukati metsamba uye mamwe masevhisi eGoogle, akadai seMairi, Dhivha, Karenda, zvichingodaro. Kuti uite izvi, pane yakavakirwa-mukati Google Takeout chishandiso - chishandiso chekutumira kunze data kune yeko kombiyuta.

Google haina kuzivisa kuvharika kwakazara kwetsamba, kunyangwe mamwe matambudziko akamuka. Nekudaro, kugadzira maakaunti matsva muGoogle Workspace bhizinesi sevhisi kwakamiswa kune vashandisi kubva kuNyika Yedu, nepo maakaundi ese akagadzirwa mairi anogona kuvandudzwa kuburikidza nevatengesi uye kuramba vachishanda. Kana iri mail yenguva dzose yeGmail, parizvino hapana zvirambidzo pairi.

Zviri pachena kuti kazhinji neGoogle masevhisi kune njodzi dzekuchinja mamiriro chero nguva. Chero zvazvingaitika, zvinokwanisika kuchengetedza data pachine nguva uye kuwana imwe mhinduro kubva, semuenzaniso, Yandex kana Mail.ru, kuitira kuti kana zvichidikanwa, iwe unogona kukurumidza kuchinjira kwairi.

  1. https://www.wsj.com/articles/google-subsidiary-in-Our Country-to-file-for-bankruptcy-11652876597?page=1
  2. https://fedresurs.ru/sfactmessage/B67464A6A16845AB909F2B5122CE6AFE?attempt=2
  3. https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout
  4. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/fwdandpop

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