Camphor cobweb (Cortinarius camphoratus)

  • Chikamu: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Kupatsanura: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Kirasi: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric kana Lamellar)
  • Mhuri: Cortinariaceae (Spiderwebs)
  • Genus: Cortinarius (Spiderweb)
  • Type: Cortinarius camphoratus (Camphor webweed)

Cobweb camphor (Cortinarius camphoratus) mufananidzo uye tsananguro

Cobweb camphor (Iye t. Keteni recamphorated) ihowa ine chepfu yerudzi rweCobweb (lat. Cortinarius).


6-12 masendimita mudhayamita, ine nyama (yakaderera zvishoma kana ichienzaniswa nemamwe mawebhu epepuru ekirasi ino), ruvara rwakasiyana-siyana - vechidiki vane hutano hwemhando yepamusoro vanomira kunze nepakati lilac uye yepepuru edging, asi mavara neimwe nzira anosanganiswa nezera. Chimiro chacho chinotanga hemispherical, compact, gare gare chinovhura, kazhinji kuchengetedza chimiro chakanaka. Nzvimbo yacho yakaoma, ine velvety fibrous. Nyama yakaonda, yeruvara rusingaverengeki-ruvara rwebrown, ine hunhu hunonhuhwirira musty, chiyeuchidzo (maererano nezvinyorwa) zvembatatisi inoora.


Yakakura nezino, muhuduku, kwenguva pfupi - ruvara rwepakati pevhavha (zvisina kujeka zvepepuru), zvino, sezvo spores inokura, inotora ruvara rusty. Senguva dzose, mune zviduku zviduku, spore-bearing layer yakafukidzwa nevhavha yewebhu.

Spore powder:

Husty brown.


Yakanyanya kukora (1-2 cm mudhayamita), cylindrical, yakawedzera pazasi, kunyangwe kazhinji isina hypertrophied tuber kutaridzika kwemhando dzakawanda dzakafanana. Iyo yepamusoro ndeye bluish-violet, ruvara rwemipendero yekapu, ine zvishoma yakadudzwa longitudinal scaly uye isingawanzo kuoneka mitsetse-yakafanana nemasara ecortina.


Cobweb camphor inouya mumasango ane deciduous uye coniferous kubva pakupera kwaNyamavhuvhu kumwe kusvika kutanga kwaGumiguru, zvisingaite, asi mumapoka makuru. Inobereka zvibereko, sekutaura kwangu, zvishoma nezvishoma, gore negore.

Mhando dzakafanana:

In similar species, you can add all cobwebs that have purple colors in their arsenal. In particular, these are white-violet (Cortinarius alboviolaceus), goat (Cortinarius traganus), silver (Cortinarius argentatus), and others, including Cortinarius sailor, for which there was no name. Due to the wide variability of colors and shapes, there are no clear formal signs to distinguish “one from the other”; we can only say that the camphor cobweb stands out from a number of fellows with a less massive structure and a more unpleasant odor. In any case, only a microscopic, or even better, genetic study can give full confidence here. I don’t like cobwebs.


Sezvinei asipo.

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