Faindi dzekuisa tin muna 2022
Yakawanda sei faindi yemota ine tinted, maitiro ekuikwidza uye ndeapi anogamuchirwa tinting zviyero zve2022 - tinoiongorora pamwe chete nenyanzvi.

In 2022, the fashion for “tightly” tinted cars is almost gone. Although some auto tuning fans still cover cars with a dark film. Together with the expert, Healthy Food Near Me prepared material on fines for tinting in 2022 and the standards that exist in this area.

Imarii muripo wetint muna 2022

Chirango chekutyorwa uku chinotarwa mukodhi yekutonga (CAO art. 12.5 chikamu 3.1). Mutero we500 rubles unopiwa kutyora mutemo. Zvakafanana kumatunhu ese eNyika Yedu uye kune chero mhando yekufambisa, ingave iri mota yevafambi, bhazi kana rori.

Nekudaro, faindi yekuisa tining inogona kudziviswa. Mupurisa wemumigwagwa ane kodzero yekumisa mota ine tinted, tarisa uye nyora pasi protocol. Mutyairi anogona kubvisa firimu dema panzvimbo. Ipapo mapurisa anogona kungopa yambiro. Kunyangwe vachigona kubhadharisa faindi - pakufunga kwemushandi.

Ndeipi tinting yemotokari zviri pamutemo

- Kuwedzeredza tinting yegirazi yemotokari inodudzirwa nemumiriri sekuiswa kwegirazi, iyo mwenje kuendesa iyo isingaenderane nezvinodiwa zvehunyanzvi mutemo pane kuchengetedzwa kwemotokari dzine mavhiri. Izvi zvinoshandawo pakujeka kwemavara,” anotsanangura kudaro Stepan Korbut, gweta reNGO Moscow Collegium yeAdvocates Nozdrya, Mishonov uye Partners.

Iwindo remhepo (iriwo mhepo), pamwe chete nemahwindo epamberi, inofanira kutumira zvishoma 70% yechiedza. Izvi zvakanyorwa mundima 4.3 yemitemo yehutano yeCustoms Union "Pakuchengetedzwa kwemotokari dzine mavhiri" Nhamba 018/2011. Mashoko mamwe chetewo ari muchikamu GOST 32565-2013 "Glasi rekuchengetedza kwekutakura kwenyika".

Inofarirwawo nevamwe vatyairi inonzi inonzi removable tinting. Inogona kunge iri muchimiro chefirimu iri nyore kubvisa uye kudzorera panzvimbo, kana maketeni. Pakarepo, inoonekwawo sekutyora, kunyangwe ichibviswa ipapo ipapo.

Maitiro ekutarisa degree rekuita tinting mota muna 2022

Kare, GOST yakakosha yakashanda muNyika Yedu, iyo yakaraira kuti tinting inofanira kuongororwa sei.

-Parizvino, chiyero chazvino hachina chero chinodiwa pamamiriro ebvunzo. Iko hakuna mwero wetembiricha, hapana hunyoro hwemhepo kana zviratidziro zvemuchadenga,” anodaro Gweta Stepan Korbut.

Mudziyo unoongorora kufambiswa kwechiedza chegirazi uye tinting unonzi photometer. Iyo data iyo mudziyo wakaratidza, mupurisa wetraffic anofanira kupinda muprotocol. Haasi ese gadget akakodzera, asi chete ayo arimo mune state rejista yeRosstandart. Zvisinei, vashandi havakwanisi kushandisa zvishandiso zvisina-certified.

Asi hapana here mipimo yekuyera tinting? Pane kunetsana kwemutemo munzvimbo iyi. Mutemo unorayira kuti uvimbe nehunyanzvi zvinyorwa zvechigadzirwa, nemamwe mazwi, mirairo yayo. Semuenzaniso, zvinogona kuratidzwa ipapo kuti kuyerwa kunofanirwa kuitwa chete pane yakanaka tembiricha yemhepo. Uye kana mutyairi wemotokari ine tinted akamiswa muchando chaityisa?

Zvinoitika kuti ichi ndicho chikonzero chekukwidza protocol mudare. Asi kukunda nyaya panharo yakadaro hazvishande. Zvose nekuda kweGOST 32565-2013 ikozvino - yakatsaurirwa kune girazi rekuchengetedza rekutakura kwenyika. Gwaro harina zvinodiwa pamamiriro ezvinhu ekuyera tinting. Naizvozvo, mapurisa emumigwagwa anongotaura nezve chiyero ichi.

- Kuedza kwevatyairi kupikisa kutyora kana kuyera kufambiswa kwechiedza kwetinting kunoramba kusingagutsikane, nekuda kwekushaikwa kwemamiriro ekumanikidza ekuongorora muGOST. Kureva kuti, hazvigoneke kuratidza kutyora kwenzira yekusimbisa, kunyangwe mutyairi akarekodha vhidhiyo," anotsanangura. Stepan Korbut.

Vanogona here kubvisa nhamba dzemotokari kuti dzinyore

Pane imwe nguva, mapurisa emumigwagwa aive nekodzero yekubvisa zvikwangwani zvakanyoreswa zvehurumende kubva kumotokari dzine mavara. Zvakadaro, chirango ichi chave kunze kweCode of Administrative Offences. Mapurisa anogona kungokumbira kubvisa kutyora ipapo - kubvisa firimu.

– Having canceled the removal of numbers and leaving only penalties, the hands of motorists were simply untied. Tinted cars have begun to appear more and more often on the roads of our country, and glass rolling services do not sit without customers, ”the Healthy Food Near Me expert believes.

Nekudaro, vanoongorora mapurisa emigwagwa vane chimwe chishandiso chekupesvedzera. Anogona kupa yambiro yakanyorwa. Inoratidza nguva yekubviswa kwekusashanda. Sezvo mutemo, haipfuuri mazuva gumi. Yambiro inopinzwa mudura remhosva dzemhosva.

If the driver is stopped a second time and the glass is tinted again, then a protocol will also be drawn up against him for disobeying a lawful order or requirement of a police officer (part 1 of article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Federation). It provides for a punishment of 500-1000 rubles or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days. So spending a couple of days, or even weeks in a special detention center for car tinting is a very real prospect for violators.

Kubva munhoroondo yenyaya: mafaindi ekuisa tin akatambirwa sei muNyika Yedu

Muna 2018, runyerekupe rwekuwedzera kwefaindi dzekunyanyisa tinting dzakawedzera. Izvi zvinokonzerwa nematanho mazhinji emutemo ekuvandudza traffic ari kutariswa muState Duma. Muchirimo cha2018, mamiriro evazhinji vavo akasimuka kubva pasi. Bhiri iri, iro rinokwidza faindi yekuisa tin, hakuna musiyano.

The penalty for driving a car with a tint that exceeds the norm specified in the technical regulation is determined by part 3.1 of article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Federation “Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.” The article prohibits drivers from driving a car whose windshield and side windows are covered with a film that transmits less than 75% of the light. The ability of the rear side and rear windows to transmit light is not regulated.

Kusvika 2014, mapurisa emigwagwa aive nesimba rinoshanda kune vanotyora mutemo nenzira yekubvisa manhamba. Nekudaro, munaGunyana 2014, Chikamu 2 cheChinyorwa 27.13 cheMutemo weKutonga Kwemhosva "Kurambidzwa kwekushanda kwemotokari" kwakava kusashanda nekuda kwekuchinja kwemutemo. Iyo chete, uye ine mamiriro, chiridzwa chaive faindi ye500 rubles.

Mukupindura kusakwana kwezviyero zvenguva pfupi mumapurisa emudunhu reKrasnodar Territory, Tver, Belgorod uye akati wandei mamwe matunhu, tsika yavo yekubata nekuita tinting yakatanga. Inspectors havachabvumiri mota kuti dzitore chikamu mutraffic, zvichibva pa "Basic gadziriro dzekubvumidzwa kwemotokari kuti dzishande", yakanyorwa muSDA. Kunyanya tinting kunodudzirwa sekuita shanduko pamagadzirirwo emotokari.

Vanozviita nenzira dzakasiyana. Kana kukanganisa kwaonekwa mumugwagwa, inspector anopa rairo yekumisa. Gwaro rinotsanangura mazuva ekupedzisira ekubvisa kukanganisa. Mushure mekupera kwenguva, muridzi anofanira kupa motokari ine tint yakabviswa kuti iongororwe nemapurisa emigwagwa. Kana mutyairi akaramba kugadzirisa shanduko, mhosva yemhosva inotamirwa kuMOTOTRER panzvimbo yezviito zvekupedzisira zvekunyora, apo sarudzo inogona kuitwa kubvisa kunyoresa. Kana kukanganisa kunowanikwa panguva yekunyora kwemotokari, inspector angaramba kunyoresa uye kupa magwaro anodiwa.

There are also alternative tactics. Having stopped the car with excessive tinting, the inspector, as in the first case, issues a written request to the owner to eliminate the violation. If, upon re-checking, it turns out that the requirement has not been met, Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Federation “Disobedience to the lawful order of a police officer” applies. The punishment may be an administrative fine from 500 to 1000 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Muna 2015, nhengo yeHurumende Duma kubva kuUnited Our Country, mutevedzeri wasachigaro weDare reDuma reHurumende yeKuvaka, Vyacheslav Lysakov, akakurudzira kuwedzera faindi yekutyora tinting zviyero kusvika 1,5 zviuru zveRubles, uye kana ikadzokororwa kutyorwa, kusvika ku5 zviuru. Mushanduro yepakutanga, sechirango chakadzokororwa, mutevedzeri akaronga kutorera vatyairi kodzero dzavo.

Muna May 2016, bhiri racho rakapfuura kuverenga kwekutanga, kare pasina chirevo chekunyimwa kwekodzero, chakabviswa pakukumbira kweHurumende. Zvaitarisirwa kuti zvigamuchirwe nekugadziriswa gore risati rapera, asi chokwadi zvakamiswa zvachose. Muna 2018, mamiriro acho akatora shanduko itsva.

At the end of January, the details of the vehicle inspection reform initiated by the Ministry of Economic Development on behalf of the President of the Federation were made public. In particular, it is planned to supplement the Code of Administrative Offenses with a punishment for “driving a vehicle in respect of which a technical inspection has not been carried out or, during maintenance, a non-compliance of this vehicle with safety requirements has been revealed.” What kind of safety requirements are in question, is still unknown. Now the inspection rules are described in Decree of the Government of the Federation of December 05.12.2011, 1008 N XNUMX. Toning is one of the parameters to be checked.

Muna Kubvumbi 2018, iyo State Duma yakatanga zvakare kufunga nezve bhiri rekuwedzera faindi yekunyanya tinting. Iyo purojekiti yakatumirwa kuti iongororwe nekugadziriswa, iyo munyori aive Vyacheslav Lysakov. Pasinei nerunyerekupe uye mishumo yenhau nezve "10-yakapetwa kuwedzera kwefaindi yetinting," mune yazvino vhezheni yebhiri, zvikumbiro zvehukuru hwefaindi hazvina kuchinja. Iyi ndiyo 1,5 zviuru zveRubles yekutanga kugadzirisa kukanganisa uye 5 zviuru zveRubles kana kukanganisa kudzokororwa mukati megore.

Bhiri iri rine vakawanda vanopikisa. Nharo dzavo dzinonyanya kuwira kune chokwadi chekuti munzvimbo dzinoverengeka dzekumaodzanyemba tinting ndiyo chete nzira yekugadzira mamiriro akanaka mumotokari muzhizha. Vadziviriri vechirongwa ichi vanoti dhigirii rekumashure tinting harisi kudzorwa, uye hapana anodzivirira vagari kuti vagadzire mamiriro aya.

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