Yellow-brown boletus (Leccinum versipelle)

  • Chikamu: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Kupatsanura: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Kirasi: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Boletales (Boletales)
  • Mhuri: Boletaceae (Boletaceae)
  • Genus: Leccinum (Obabok)
  • Type: Leccinum versipelle (Yellow-brown boletus)
  • Obabok akasiyana-ganda
  • Boletus tsvuku-tsvuku

Yellow-brown boletus (Leccinum versipelle) mufananidzo uye tsananguro


Iyo dhayamita yekapu yeyero-brown boletus ndeye 10-20 cm (dzimwe nguva kusvika makumi matatu!). Rudzi runosiyana kubva kune yero-grey kusvika kune yakatsvuka, chimiro chinotanga chakaita denderedzwa, kwete chakapamhama kupfuura makumbo (iyo inonzi "chelysh"; inotaridzika, iwe unoziva, pane kupera simba), gare gare convex, dzimwe nguva yakati sandara, yakaoma, ine nyama. . Panguva yekuzorora, inotanga kushanduka yepepuru, yozoita yebhuruu-dema. Hachina kunhuwa kana kuravira.

Spore layer:

Ruvara rwakachena kusvika kune greyish, ma pores madiki. Muhowa hudiki, kazhinji kacho kusviba grey, kupenya nezera. Iyo tubular layer inoparadzaniswa nyore nyore kubva pachivharo.

Spore powder:



Kusvika masendimita makumi maviri pakureba, kusvika masendimita mashanu mudhayamita, yakasimba, cylindrical, yakakora yakananga pasi, chena, dzimwe nguva yakasvibirira pazasi, yakadzika muvhu, yakafukidzwa nelongitudinal fibrous grey-black zviyero.


Yellow-brown boletus inokura kubva munaJune kusvika Gumiguru mumasango ane deciduous uye akasanganiswa, achigadzira mycorrhiza kunyanya nebirch. Mumasango madiki inogona kuwanikwa muhuwandu hunoshamisa, kunyanya mukutanga kwaSeptember.

Mhando dzakafanana:

Regarding the number of varieties of boletus (more precisely, the number of species of mushrooms united under the name “boletus”), there is no final clarity. The red-brown boletus (Leccinum aurantiacum), which is allied to the aspen, is especially distinguished, which is distinguished by red-brown scales on the stalk, a not so wide scope of the cap and a much more solid constitution, while the yellow-brown boletus in texture is more like a boletus (Leccinum scabrum). Other species are also mentioned, distinguishing them mainly by the type of trees with which this fungus forms mycorrhiza, but here, obviously, we are still talking about individual subspecies of Leccinum aurantiacum.


Hukuru howa hunodyiwa. Zvishoma zvakaderera kune chena.

Isu tose tinoda boletus. Iyo boletus yakanaka. Kunyangwe asina simba rakadaro "runako rwemukati" seruchena (kunyangwe rwuchiripo) - chimiro chake chinopenya uye hukuru hunokatyamadza zvinogona kufadza chero munhu. Kune vakawanda vanotora mushroom, zviyeuchidzo zvekutanga mushroom zvinosanganiswa ne boletus - yekutanga mushroom chaiyo, kwete pamusoro pefly agaric uye kwete nezve russula. Ndinoyeuka chaizvo kuti, mugore re83, takaenda kuhowa - chero, tisingazivi nzvimbo uye mugwagwa - uye mushure memaitiro akawanda asina kubudirira isu takamira pedyo nesango rechidiki kumucheto kwemunda. Neapo!..

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