Inguva yakadii Putin asara? The prognosis yezvaanonzi zvirwere
Tanga Scientific Council Preventive examinations Cancer Chirwere cheshuga Chirwere chemwoyo Chii chakaipa nePoles? Rarama mushumo une hutano 2020 Report 2021 Report 2022

Rumors about the health of Vladimir Putin continue. Blood cancer, thyroid cancer, Parkinson’s disease, mental disorders – these are just some of the diseases that are attributed to the dictator. And although there are many voices that these “diagnoses” are pure speculations, and the president is in fact quite in good shape, unofficial journalistic investigations point to something completely different. And this raises the question: How long time has Putin left? Below we explain the prognosis of patients with “his diseases”.

  1. Vamiriri vaVladimir Putin vanongwarira zvikuru kuti hapana nhau nezvehutano hwake inoona chiedza chezuva
  2. Recently, however, information has emerged from high-ranking people from intelligence that the president suffers from a severe form of cancer and has no more than three years of life left.
  3. The prognosis ye neoplastic kana dementia, inowanzonzi yaPutin, zvinoenderana nezvakawanda zvinhu
  4. Rumwe ruzivo runogona kuwanikwa pane iyo Onet peji rekutanga

Kenza yekenza - prognosis

Kufungidzira nezve neoplastic zvirwere zvinotonga pakati pemishumo yehutano hwaVladimir Putin. Inosimudzirwa neruzivo rwakadai sekuti iyo "The Independent" yasvika. Bepanhau, richipa FBS, rinoti Putin “is no more than two to three years old”. The president is to suffer from a “severe form of rapidly progressing cancer”.

Mukuru webasa repachivande Borys Karpyczkow, uyo mubvunzurudzo neSunday Mirror akataura izvozvo Putin anonetsekana nemusoro uye ari kurasikirwa nemaziso. «(…) paanobuda paterevhizheni, anoda mapepa ane zvese zvakanyorwa nemavara makuru kuti averenge zvaanoda kutaura - akadaro.

Reports about the deteriorating health of Vladimir Putin have been strongly denied by Sergey Lavrov, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In an interview with the French channel TF1, he said that in his opinion the president had no signs of ailments attributed to him. He also noted that despite his age (he will be 70 in October), he is very active and often appears in public. «You can watch him on screens, read him and listen to his speeches. I leave it to the conscience of those who spread such rumors »- he added.

Kenza yekenza - prognosis

Until now, it was believed that the president suffered from thyroid cancer. It is a disease that most often affects middle-aged and mature people, initially showing almost no symptoms. One of the first symptoms that patients notice is a tumor within the thyroid gland, but signs of cancer may also include: enlarged lymph nodes, hoarseness, wheezing or shortness of breath, although these symptoms indicate rather advanced stage of cancer.

Kufanotaura kwegomarara rethyroid kunoenderana zvakanyanya nerudzi rwayo. Iyo inoitika zvishoma kazhinji (5-10% yezviitiko), kureva cancer yegomarara rethyroid, ine yakaipisisa. Mhando yegomarara iri rinokura nekukasika, rine hasha, uye haridavire kurapwa kwegomarara. Varwere vazhinji vanofa mukati memwedzi mitanhatu yekuongororwa, zvisinei nekubviswa kwegland ine masero anouraya bundu.

Dzimwe mhando dzegomarara rethyroid harina kusimba uye varwere vazhinji vane mukana wekurapwa. Inofungidzirwa kuti mumatambudziko akasiyana (follicular cancer yethyroid gland uye papillary cancer yethyroid gland) mikana yekupora inosvika 90%.

Zvimwe zvechinyorwa zviripo pasi pevhidhiyo.

Varwere vane gomarara reropa vanorarama kwenguva yakareba sei?

Recently, there is more and more talk that Putin suffers not from thyroid cancer, but from blood cancer. Such information was provided by New Lines Magazine, whose journalists referred to the statement by the oligarch associated with the Kremlin. He was to say that the dictator is “very sick” and suffers from “cancer of the blood”.

Kubva pakuona kwezvokurapa, aya ndiwo maitiro akawandisa, pamusana pekuti zvakaoma kuziva kwete chete kuti chii chinonzi prognosis, asi kunyange chirwere chipi chatiri kutarisana nacho. Izwi rekuti "gomarara reropa" rinosanganisira kwete chete mhando dzakasiyana dzeleukemia, asiwo lymphomas uye myelomas.

Muchiitiko cheacute leukemia, kufungidzira hakusi kwakaipisisa, asi chete kana chirwere chacho chikaonekwa nokukurumidza. Kukurumidza kuongororwa uye kurapwa kwakanyatsosarudzwa kunoponesa kusvika ku80% yehupenyu. varwere. Zvisinei, kana gomarara racho rikasakurumidza kuonekwa, murwere anogona kufa kunyange mukati memwedzi mishomanana atanga chirwere chacho.

Kana zvasvika kune isingaperi leukemia, avhareji yehupenyu hwevarwere vanoonekwa makore manomwe. Zvisinei, pane zviitiko zvekupora zvachose kwevanorwara.

Kufungidzira kwe lymphoma kwakaoma kufungidzira nokuti kunze kwechikamu chegomarara pakuongororwa, rudzi rwechirwere runobatanidzwawo. Mhando dze lymphoma dzinosanganisira idzo dzinokura zvishoma nezvishoma, asiwo dzakanyanya kuipa. Zvisinei, kune zviitiko zvinozivikanwa zvekukurumidza kuongororwa uye kubudirira kurapwa lymphomas kusvika kumakore akawanda.

Ne multiple myeloma, varwere vazhinji vanorarama nekuongororwa kwemakore. Kunyange zvazvo rudzi urwu rwekenza yeropa isingarapike, kurapwa kwakakodzera hakugoni kungowedzera hupenyu hwehupenyu, asiwo kuwedzera zvakanyanya kunyaradza kwayo.

Dementia - tarisiro yehupenyu nechirwere

Dementia yakadai sedementia uye chirwere cheParkinson zvakare iri pane rondedzero yezvirwere zvinogona kurwara naPutin.

Yekutanga inobata vanhu vanosvika mamiriyoni makumi mashanu pasi rose. Senile dementia (kana senile dementia) mamiriro ezvinhu anokanganisa kushanda kwehuropi munzvimbo dzinoverengeka dzehuropi, zvichikonzera kuderera, kuderera, uye kunyange kurasikirwa kwechikamu chenhengo.

Iwe unogona kurarama kwemakore akati wandei mushure mekuongororwa uine dementia. Dambudziko harisi nehupenyu hunotarisirwa, asi nehutano hwayo. Zviratidzo zvinofambira mberi zvedementia zvinokanganisa zvakanyanya kushanda kwezuva nezuva, zvichitadzisa varwere hunyanzvi hwekutanga uye kugona kwekuziva. Runyararo rwehupenyu hunogona kuvandudzwa nekurapa kwakasarudzwa kwakakodzera (semuenzaniso cognitive-behavioral therapy) uye kurovedza muviri.

Putin anonziwo ane chirwere cheParkinson, icho chaizoratidzwa, pakati pevamwe, nekucherechedza kuzunungusa kwemaoko uye kunonoka kwekufamba (kusanganisira tsandanyama dzechiso). Hupenyu hunotarisirwa naparkinson hwave makore makumi maviri. Zvinetso zvechirwere zvinowanzokonzera kufa kwevarwereizvo zvinoitika semugumisiro wekuderera kwepakati penheyo system. Chinonyanya kuzivikanwa ipneumonia uye zvirwere zvemwoyo.

Unogona kuva negomarara rezamu here? Ita tumor marker test inowanikwa paMedonet Market. PaMedonet Market iwe unozowanawo zvidzidzo zvemamwe makiri egomarara evarume nevakadzi.

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