Sejal Parikh: vegan pamuviri

“Ndinowanzokumbirwa kugovera ruzivo rwangu rwekubereka kwomuzvarirwo uye pamuviri wezvirimwa,” anodaro Indian Sejal Parikh. "Ndakanga ndiri vegan kwemakore anopfuura 2 ndisati ndaziva kuti ndaizova amai. Pasina kupokana, nhumbu yangu yaifanira kunge iri "girinhi" zvakare. 

  • Panguva yekuzvitakura ndakawedzera 18 kg
  • Huremu hwemwanakomana wangu, Shaurya, i3,75 kg, izvo zvine hutano.
  • Yangu calcium uye mapuroteni mazinga anga ari padanho rakanakisa kwemwedzi ye9 aine anenge asina ekuwedzera.
  • Kusununguka kwangu kwaiva kwechisikigo zvachose pasina kupindira kwekunze: hapana kuchekwa, hapana maturusi, hapana epidurals yekudzora marwadzo.
  • Kupora kwangu mushure mekusununguka kwakafamba zvakanaka. Sezvo kudya kwangu kusina mafuta emhuka, ndakakwanisa kuderedza 16 kg mukati memwedzi mitatu yokutanga kunyange ndisina kurovedza muviri.
  • Vhiki ndasununguka, ndakanga ndava kutoita mabasa epamba. Mushure memwedzi ye3, mamiriro angu akavandudzika zvokuti ndaigona kuita chero basa: kuchenesa, kunyora zvinyorwa, kudyisa mwana uye chirwere chake chekufamba - pasina kurwadziwa mumuviri.
  • Kunze kwekutonhora kudiki, wangu angangoita 1 gore haana kumbosangana nedambudziko rehutano kana kunwa chero mushonga.

Women in general are advised to consume more unsaturated fats and as little saturated fat as possible during pregnancy – and rightly so. However, the issue of calcium and protein often remains inadequately perceived. There are so many misconceptions around these two elements that people are ready to “stuff” themselves with animal products containing saturated fats, cholesterol, and artificial hormones. But even this, many do not stop, loading themselves with additional supplements during pregnancy. It would seem, well, now the issue with calcium is closed! However, I have seen many women suffering from a lack of calcium, provided that the above “norms” are followed. Almost all of them had episiotomy sutures at birth (it is the low protein level that is primarily responsible for perineal rupture). There are several reasons why drinking animal milk (for calcium and in general) is a bad idea. In addition to the huge amount of saturated fat and cholesterol, such products do not contain fiber at all. Animal protein, when absorbed as an amino acid, leads to an acid reaction in the body. As a result, to maintain an alkaline pH, minerals such as calcium and magnesium are flushed out of the body. In the meantime, there are many quality plant foods that are rich in calcium: In fact, chickpeas were the only protein-rich food in my diet during pregnancy. It is believed that low protein levels lead to weakening of the pelvic muscles, which results in a vaginal tear (during childbirth) and requires suturing. Guess if I had a similar problem during childbirth? That’s right – no. Now let’s get closer to the question I hear most often: I have eaten a healthy, plant-based diet (with a few niggles on sugar), avoiding refined foods – white flour, white rice, white sugar, and so on. It was predominantly homemade food with little or no oil. Due to the loss of appetite at 3 and 4 months, I hardly wanted to eat much, and therefore I took a multivitamin complex for 15-20 days. I have also introduced iron supplementation for the last 2 months and vegan calcium for the last 15 days. And while I’m not opposed to nutritional supplements (if the source is vegan), a wholesome, healthy diet without them is still a priority. More about my diet. After morning awakening: – 2 glasses of water with 1 tsp. wheatgrass powder – 15-20 pieces of raisins, soaked overnight – an excellent source of iron, mainly fruits and vegetables, sometimes cereals. A wide variety of fruits: bananas, grapes, pomegranate, watermelon, melon and so on. Green smoothie with curry leaves. Mixtures of herbs, flaxseed, black salt, lemon juice were added to it, all this is whipped in a blender. You can add banana or cucumber! A 20-30 minute walk under the sun is a must. At least 4 liters of water daily, where 1 liter is coconut water. were trivial enough – a tortilla, something bean, a curry dish. As snacks between meals – carrots, cucumber and laddu (vegan Indian sweets).

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