Summer Truffle (Tuber aestivum)

  • Dhipatimendi: Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Kupatsanura: Pezizomycotina (Pezizomycotins)
  • Kirasi: Pezizomycetes (Pezizomycetes)
  • Type: Tuber aestivum (Summer truffle (Black truffle))
  • Skorzone
  • Truffle saint jean
  • Zhizha dema truffle

Summer truffle (Black truffle) (Tuber aestivum) mufananidzo uye tsananguro

truffle yezhizha (Iye t. Summer tuber) ihowa hwemhando yeTruffle (lat. Tuber) yemhuri yeTruffle (lat. Tuberaceae).

Zvinoreva izvo zvinonzi ascomycetes, kana marsupials. Hama dzayo dzepedyo mamorels uye stitches.

Miti yemichero 2,5-10 masendimita muhupamhi, bluish-dema, dema-brown, pamusoro nehombe pyramidal black-brown warts. Huru hunotanga kuita yero-chena kana greyi, gare gare shava kana yero-ruvara, iine tsinga dzakawanda dzakachena dzichigadzira chimiro chemarble, chakaonda kwazvo pakutanga, chakanyanya kusununguka muhowa hwekare. Iyo inonaka yepepuru ine nutty, inotapira, kunhuhwirira kunofadza, kwakasimba, dzimwe nguva kunofananidzwa nekunhuhwirira kwealgae kana marara emasango. Mitumbi yezvibereko iri pasi pevhu, inowanzoitika pakadzika pasi, howa dzekare dzimwe nguva dzinoonekwa pamusoro pepamusoro.

Iyo inoumba mycorrhiza nemuoki, beech, hornbeam uye mamwe marudzi akafara-akasara, zvishoma kazhinji ane mabirches, kunyanya kashoma nemapine, anokura asina kudzika (3-15 cm, kunyangwe dzimwe nguva anosvika makumi matatu masendimita) muvhu mumasango anotema uye akasanganiswa. , kunyanya paivhu rine calcareous.

In different regions of the Federation, truffles ripen at different times, and their collection is possible from the end of July to the end of November.

Uyu ndiye ega mumiriri weTuber genus muNyika Yedu. Ruzivo rwekutsvaga truffle yechando (Tuber brumale) haina kusimbiswa.

The main regions in which the black truffle bears fruit quite often and annually are the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the forest-steppe zone of Crimea. Separate finds over the past 150 years have also occurred in other regions of the European part of Our Country: in the Podolsk, Tula, Belgorod, Oryol, Pskov and Moscow regions. In the Podolsk province, the mushroom was so common that local peasants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. engaged in its collection and sale.

Mhando dzakafanana:

Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) - imwe yezvinonyanya kukosha chaiyo truffles, nyama yayo inosviba zvakanyanya nezera - kusvika kune brown-violet; pamusoro pacho kana chadzvanywa, chinopendwa neruvara rune ngura.

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